Data Loss Prevention

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Data Loss Prevention (DLP solutions) refers to a set of strategies, tools, and processes used to ensure that sensitive data is not lost, misused, or accessed by unauthorized users. The primary goal of DLP is to prevent unauthorized access and transmission of sensitive information, such as personal data, financial information, intellectual property, and confidential business data. As a leading cyber security company in India, we deliver efficient data loss prevention solutions to empower businesses to thrive in the digital era.



Content Discovery and Classification:

  • Automated scanning and classification of data to identify sensitive information across the organization.
  • Classification based on predefined policies to categorize data into different sensitivity levels.

Endpoint Protection:

  • Monitoring and control of data on individual devices (computers, laptops, mobile devices).
  • Prevention of unauthorized access, copying, or transmission of sensitive data at the endpoint.

Network DLP:

  • Inspection of data in transit over the network to detect and prevent unauthorized transfers.
  • Policy enforcement to control the flow of sensitive data within the organization’s network.

Cloud DLP:

  • Protection of sensitive data in cloud environments and cloud applications.
  • Monitoring and control of data flows within cloud services, ensuring compliance with data protection policies.

Email DLP:

  • Safeguarding sensitive information transmitted through email
  • Monitoring email content, attachments, and addresses to prevent unauthorized sharing of sensitive data.

Web DLP:

  • Control and monitoring of data being sent or received through web channels.
  • Prevention of data leakage through web applications and online forms.

Here are different types of data loss that organizations may face:

  • Accidental Deletion:

Employees may inadvertently delete important files or data, leading to loss if there are no adequate backup measures in place.

  • Hardware Failure:

Failure of storage devices such as hard drives or servers can result in the loss of stored data.

  • Software Corruption:

Corruption of files or databases due to software bugs, glitches, or malware can lead to data loss.

  • Malware and Ransomware Attacks:

Malicious software can compromise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Ransomware attacks can encrypt data, making it inaccessible until a ransom is paid.

  • Phishing Attacks:

Phishing emails or social engineering attacks can trick employees into disclosing sensitive information, leading to data loss.

  • Insider Threats:

Employees or contractors with malicious intent may intentionally or unintentionally cause data loss by sharing sensitive information or misusing their access privileges.

  • Physical Damage:

Natural disasters, accidents, or physical damage to hardware (e.g., fire, flood, earthquake) can result in the loss of physical storage devices and, consequently, data.

  • Unauthorized Access:

Hackers or unauthorized individuals gaining access to systems or databases can lead to the theft or destruction of sensitive data.
