

Intelligent Threat Detection. Faster Response.

The best data security platform,

Our unique combination of detailed auditing, anomaly detection, real time alerting, and real time data discovery and classification allows you to identify, prioritize and investigate threats – fast.

Intelligent threat detection are the unseen threat in your IT environment. Make sure you have a way of detecting and preventing the rise of insider threats to your critical servers and data.


Protect Sensitive Data from Rogue Users and Compromised User Accounts(data security platform)

We enable you to detect and investigate threats to your most sensitive data in ways no other solution provider can. Bringing together data discovery and classification with threat detection enables you to investigate all events, changes, actions and anomalies with context. End to end visibility of Active Directory, Group Policy, File Servers, Office 365, NetApp, SharePoint, Box, Dropbox and more.


Detect and React to Threats Targeting Your Sensitive Data

· Ransomware

· Insider Threats

· Remote Workers

Monitor Risk to Your Data and Reduce Your Attack Surface

· Risk Assessment

· Data Access Governance

· Implement Zero Trust


Achieve and Maintain Compliance with Pre-Set Reports

· Data Classification

· Prove Access Levels

· Change Auditing

What Makes Lepide Different?

Consolidated Security

A single Platform fixes four key problems; where is your data, who has access to it, what are users doing with it and is it secure?


Scales Better

Our unique functionality-orientated architecture means our Platform scales better than any competitor on the market.


Lightweight and Easy to Deploy

Deploy our Platform in a matter of hours without prohibitive requirements on infrastructure investment.


Justifiable ROI

Unlike some of our competitors, we’re able to deliver a clear business case for ROI.


Real Time Alerts & Reports

Our alerts are genuinely delivered in real time. No waiting means better security.